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The Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Our Health

The Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Our Health If we understood the influence of emotions on our health, we would be sad, angry and worried much less often. Positive thoughts...

The Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Our Health

The Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Our Health

If we understood the influence of emotions on our health, we would be sad, angry and worried much less often. Positive thoughts and good physical condition are inseparable from each other. Great emotional health is a combination of our thoughts, feelings and actions.

However, we cannot lie to ourselves: sadness, stress and anxiety are inevitable on our life's journey. Certain events - dismissal from work, children leaving home, death of loved ones, divorce, illness or injury, lack of money - really bring a set of negative emotions to our organism.

Even the so-called "good" changes - marriage, birth of a baby, promotion - have an extremely strong impact on our health.

Here, when we are sad or anxious, our body tries to help fight the emotions: the heart starts to beat faster, the blood pressure increases, and long-term stress can even bring a stomach ulcer!

Poor emotional health weakens our immune system, making us prone to colds and other infections.

Symptoms that can be caused by negative emotions:

  • Back pain;
  • Changes in appetite;
  • Pimples in the chest;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Headache;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Insomnia;
  • Head dizziness;
  • Heart rhythm disorders;
  • Frigidity;
  • Respiratory disorders;
  • Neck stiffness;
  • Trembling;
  • Weight changes.

The Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Our Health

How to help yourself?

  1. Try to understand what disturbed your emotional state. Understanding the problems that really bother you will help you deal with them faster.
  2. Don't be afraid to express your feelings. Do not keep and accumulate everything in yourself - talk to relatives and friends. However, do not be discouraged if they do not provide the help you expected, and if the symptoms persist, consult a family doctor or a psychologist.
  3. Don't dwell on the thoughts of problems. In this way, you only waste energy without getting anything back. This does not mean that you have to pretend that everything is fine, but living only with negative emotions is not an option either.
  4. Read inspiring books or magazines, get knowledge and useful tips. Try to understand what you really like. And act.
  5. Embrace change and be flexible. This will help you discover new paths and you will not miss the opportunities that life offers.
  6. Calm your mind and body. Meditation is a great way to achieve emotional balance. Remember to breathe deeply during meditation. Proper breathing improves your emotional state, but if you are not sure how to do it correctly, ask your family doctor about relaxation breathing techniques.
  7. Take care of yourself. Try to eat healthy, exercise regularly... and get enough sleep.
  8. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Bad habits bring with them not only serious health problems, but also create problems for you and your loved ones.
  9. Be sure to regularly perform body cleansing programs . Take anti-parasitic herbs. you can use vermin with wormwood . Perform the RESTART program twice a year. Very often, the reason for improving the emotional field is a clean body. and vice versa.

The Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Our Health


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