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Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How to help yourself? Natural ways.

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How to help yourself? Natural ways. Many women and girls suffer from the same problems every month. A few days before the...

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How to help yourself? Natural ways.

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How can I help

Many women and girls suffer from the same problems every month. A few days before the period, headaches, nausea, painful pressure in the chest appear, feeling and unusual mood swings, etc. After the onset of menstrual bleeding and during menstruation, all these symptoms disappear. But after four weeks it happens again. We are like a surging sea with a full range of emotions.

This is called premenstrual syndrome-pms, which sometimes makes the "days before those days" unbearable. It becomes a disease. Women seem unstable and unreliable, moaning, sick.

The cause of premenstrual syndrome is considered to be a temporary imbalance in the ratio of estrogens and progestogens during the second half of the menstrual cycle. When estrogen remains too strong, a woman experiences PMS. This syndrome is thought to be caused by a disturbance in the regulation of the menstrual cycle by the hypothalamus in the medulla through the "body's major endocrine gland" (pituitary gland).

Eleven complaints are named. PMS is diagnosed when there are more than five complaints and they last for at least two months. These symptoms include:

  1. Very depressed mood, feeling of hopelessness.
  2. Clear fear and tension.
  3. Pronounced fluctuation of feelings (affective lability) e.g. sudden sadness.
  4. Prolonged or significant irritation or irritability.
  5. Decrease in attention to work, learning, communication, leisure time.
  6. Difficulty concentrating.
  7. Lethargy (slowing down of mental activity)
  8. Clear changes in appetite
  9. Insomnia or increased need for sleep (hypersomnia)
  10. Feeling tired or out of control.
  11. Breast tightness or swelling, headache, joint or muscle pain.

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How can I help

This complex of physical and mental symptoms always begins 7-10 days before menstruation and resolves on its own on the first or second day of the menstrual cycle. It is believed that this syndrome occurs in 40-50% of women, and in 5-10% of women it is very pronounced.

Often women, girls put up with it.. But the good news is that we can help ourselves.

How can we help ourselves?

There are known substances that are obtained from food, the use of which relieves the symptoms of PMS, and sometimes the symptoms of PMS syndrome disappear altogether when using these substances.

It would be; Magnesium, vit B6, Omega-6 fatty acids.

Sources of omega-6 fatty acids are seeds, nuts, grains, green leafy vegetables, and cold-pressed vegetable oils.

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How can I help

The source of magnesium is grains, semolina, bran, peas, beans, nuts. Most magnesium is found in vegetable products, especially green ones, as it is a component of chlorophyll. An excellent source of magnesium is "Elixir" containing chlorophyll.

The source of Vit B 6 is wheat germ, cereals, spinach, bananas, green beans, carrots, eggs, sunflowers. Most of Vit B6 breaks down during cooking and baking.

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How can I help

Under the action of vitamin B6, the liver is able to break down a sufficient amount of estrogen again, as a result of which the level of estrogen in the woman's body does not become so high.

Magnesium has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and muscles, e.g. It can prevent uterine muscle spasms.

Omega-6 fatty acids are necessary for our body, because so-called prostaglandins are formed from them in the body; the functions of these "tissue hormones" are extremely important. A lack of prostaglandins exacerbates the symptoms of PMS, and eating foods rich in Omega-6 can correct the deficit.


These substances affect the regulation of the endocrine gland system.

Asparagus recemosus (lat. Asparagus recemosus) root. Also called Shatavari .

The plant has been used in India for thousands of years for its positive and tonic properties.

It is believed to contain natural estrogens (phytoestrogens). They are recommended for women during the reproductive period and menopause.

Shatavari is a key plant in Ayurveda to support women's health.

Chinese scallion - also called DONG QUAI (angelica sinensis) whose roots contain substances with a general strengthening and tonic effect. It improves blood circulation. Also, this plant is known as an aid in general irritability.

Chinese Foxglove - also called REHMANNIA ( Rehmannia elata, Chinese Foxgloves )
It is used as a general strengthening, toning, bleeding-stopping and hematopoietic agent. Chinese comfrey belongs to the group of adaptogens.

Shilajit mummy (lat. Asphaltum) for immunity and vitality.

  • Shilajit is considered a "rasayana - rejuvenating force" in Ayurvedic teachings, which helps in strengthening physical strength, immunity and vitality.

New and unique formula product "FOR WOMEN" (120 capsules) - specially designed to help maintain a normal female rhythm. Helps maintain good function of the female hormonal system.

*All listed ingredients are included in the composition of the product "For Women" .

Autogenic relaxation

This is a deep relaxation technique. May help reduce emotional disturbances during PMS syndrome.

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How can I help


Physical activity is an excellent means of spiritual and muscle relaxation. The brain also works positively. During physical exertion, so-called endorphins (analgesics produced by the body) are released. It can better regulate the metabolism of female hormones.


Increasingly popular physical movement. Just walking fast, moving your arms vigorously as if you were holding Nordic poles. With which it is not very convenient to walk everywhere - in the city, in parks, on narrower paths where there are more people. You should walk at least 2-3 times a week for 30-60 minutes. and longer. Such a quick walk has a positive effect on the body and soul, as does jogging with a much greater load.


Reduce the amount of salt consumed - which causes fluid to accumulate in the body.

Also, consume as much as possible (it is even better to give up) white refined sugar, reduce the amount of quickly absorbed sweets, cookies (choose dried fruits and desserts made from plant-based, non-thermally processed products. You can find the recipes here. )

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How can I help Sugar metabolism requires the body to consume a lot of vitamins, which also increases the release of magnesium. You should eat as much vegetables, fruits and fresh foods as possible. The diet should be constantly supplemented with the recipes in the program. ( see here) One or two days before the "days before the days", you should eat as much raw plant food as possible, drink water and green cocktails.

Women's health. Finally the whole truth about PMS. How can I help

*If all the above measures do not help, complaints intensify or new symptoms of the disease begin, then it is time to seek help from a gynecologist.

The text is prepared according to the sources:

Irmgard Nestroj. Naturliche Medizin special for women.

Bongart.Ch.Frauen fehlen seltener wegen Krankheit ir der Arbeit als menner.

Olbricht.I. Was frauen krank macht.

Seifert. B. Magnesium und Dysmenorrhoea. In; Medicine-management-magnesium.

Grazina Gum

* without consent, the text cannot be copied or used in any other way.


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